
Lassen Ranch

Gianni Neve played a crucial role in establishing the family’s flower business, transitioning from plumosa and maiden hair fern to carnations in 1967. Partnering with his brother Willie, Their partnership allowed them to expand their operations and tap into the thriving flower market in San Francisco at 6th and Brannan Street. Gianni and Maria Neve’s three sons joined the business, cultivating and selling carnations. In the 1980s, Victor Neve invested in Shasta County, specializing in lilacs, peonies, and clematis. Further expansion in 1989 included a parcel in Petaluma, CA solidifying the Neve family’s presence in the flower market. Throughout the years, Victor has gained a reputation for his commitment to quality and diverse selection of flowers. His hard work and dedication to his crop has established a strong presence in the flower market, and their flowers have become a staple in the San Francisco Bay Area.


We focus on lilacs, peonies, clematis, hydrangeas, ilex, and ninebark. Our ranch spans nearly 30 acres near Mt. Shasta. Clematis and jewel tone hydrangeas offer a variety of colors and textures, adding diversity to our company. Additionally, we grow ilex and ninebark during the fall and winter months and the plants provide lovely foliage and berries that can be used in holiday arrangements and decorations.

Badge Holder Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday 4am – 11am
Wednesday 4am – 11am
Friday 5am – 11am

Public Hours

Please note that Lassen Ranch currently only sells to badgeholders and does not offer products to the general public. For more information on the benefits of our badge membership and how to join, visit our membership page.

Payment Methods

Cash, Check, Apple & Google Pay, and Credit Cards

Ordering and Pickup Options

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